Linkage Finance AMA Question

Please vote on the top 10 questions that should be discussed during our X AMA on 27th February. We collected the questions from the community and are now need your help to decide which once should be discussed on our space.

  • Time line for phase 3 and mainnet launch
  • What would be the threshold lifi token holdings for creating own fund
  • Multiple index consisting of same tokens and same % allocation creation is possible(eg. 3 users create similar funds, will only the first one is allowed and other will not go through)
  • What is the plan to incentivise early traction (liquidity incentives)
  • When dynamic fund adjustment can be expected? Was told it wont be in v1
  • Can you tag the wallets with ada handle like how muesli did, like team, reserve, liquidity, etc so that it gives complete picture and when can we expect
  • Whats the breakup of march plan?
  • When we “add to funds” in an index, what we will get as a representation of the holdings? Token? Lp token( can i see it in my wallet and transfer)
  • How will this will be integrated to muesli swap order book ?
  • Is there any incentive to become a early fund creator or does fund creator have any incentive from treasury apart from fee he/she sets?
  • What’s the plan of audit? When are we auditing? With whom? When can we expect the report to be shared
  • When cmc and coingecko
  • When we buy a fund, are the underlying assets purchased in the background? And from where, what method (market,limit), fees etc
  • Around a month ago this was what over 1,900 people saw about LIFI, a failing report card of LIFI in the “F” row of the ”report card”. What can and will be done to bring the “grade” rating up? It seems like the marketing, the team communication is absent, and telegram morale and market impressions are at our lowest point. Do we have a concrete list of future marketing efforts to change the public perceptions and industry ratings?
  • For the last month or two, you have maintained that we are still on track to launch mainnet by end of the 1st quarter. This is now only a little over 5 weeks away. Are we still on track, and if so, what is the timeline for introducing phase 3 of the testnet, and if planned, an audit? If we are no longer on schedule for a 1st quarter mainnet launch, what is the new timeline?
  • Why was there no testnet first and then the token launch? Was the reason only for funding or other reasons to?
0 voters